DIY Thread - Let's see your "Inventions".

wow great ideas! i especially like the coffee can feeder
Hi all!

We are new to chicken ownership, but here are some samples of a low cost feeder, and my salvaged coop.

Chicken feeder only cost a couple of dollars, made from 90mm storm water PVC. Holds about 4 kg of feed. I had the final opening without a cap, but the hens liked to dig for the good seeds, so I added a cap with an oval hole cut into it, which alloows them to peck but not scratch the feed onto the floor.

The whole coop was made from an old trailer frame (6x4) that I found in a freinds padock. Clad it with some CGI and we had a safe home. It has had a couple of renovations since first being made, but I like to tinker so it changes when the girls outsmart me :D

Inside has change a bit too, so it's easier to manage.

Now that we have had a few neighbourhood cats visit and we have enclosed our coupe, the next job is to raise it higher so it's easier to clean. We had it set low as our fences are low, but now we have a roof it's not a problem.

Not exactly inventions, but a few things to keep them entertained. They spend most of the day inside now as we don't let them range unless we are in the yard.

Thanks for looking, but's it's never finished so I am sure I will be back with some other little home made doodad!
Wow! Everyone has such nice coops! I wish mine was! Lol. My nests are made from a old rabbit hutch I took this image off the Internet but it looked similar to this one. The rabbit hutch would open from the top. But I cut a square into each 'hutch' on the front so chickens could easily go in and out!
This is really nice. What's the little pump you used?
its a toilet float. they are like $13 and you just need to drill a hole in the middle and hook it up to a garden hose and its always full. so far it works flawlessly!! I am happy with it and i know the wife will be happy this summer while i am working alot

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