DIY Thread - Let's see your "Inventions".

Those power tools are mine! Get your grubby hands off! I used to have to mark my tools with nail polish to keep my ex from using them. I would walk up to him and say "that's mine" and he would say "no it's not" and sure enough there would be red nail polish on it! He didn't take care of the tools and they were always broken when I needed them.
Hardy a fully original idea, but I figured I would post my watering system up so others might get an ideas or two...

My coop is heated just above freezing so I really don't have to worry about the water freezing, but I'm going to put a heater in my waterer this winter just to keep the water in and around 50° just for a piece of mind... Parts are all ordered for the heating system and I will make a post about that later when they arrive... It was cheap, only took a few hours to construct, and has been trouble free...

It's a used food grade 55 gallon drum, that was free on Craigslist, the top (to prevent perching) is a discarded BBQ lid that I came across that fit like it was made to fit, inside is a cheap float valve with a hose hookup out the top/back... I can keep it hooked up to a water supply 24/7 since it has a float valve if I want but generally just top it off once a week... Your standard horizontal nipples are drilled and tapped into the sides, and a house water heater drip tray installed under it to catch any drips and divert them to a bucket outside the coop area so the coop stays nice and dry... Different height nipples and even steps on the side for the mixed flock... In the picture the roo up front is a bantam, the Buff is a standard, and the guinea is only a few months old as a size reference, my peafowl use the higher nipples as do some of bigger standards...

Hardy a fully original idea, but I figured I would post my watering system up so others might get an ideas or two...

My coop is heated just above freezing so I really don't have to worry about the water freezing, but I'm going to put a heater in my waterer this winter just to keep the water in and around 50° just for a piece of mind... Parts are all ordered for the heating system and I will make a post about that later when they arrive... It was cheap, only took a few hours to construct, and has been trouble free...

It's a used food grade 55 gallon drum, that was free on Craigslist, the top (to prevent perching) is a discarded BBQ lid that I came across that fit like it was made to fit, inside is a cheap float valve with a hose hookup out the top/back... I can keep it hooked up to a water supply 24/7 since it has a float valve if I want but generally just top it off once a week... Your standard horizontal nipples are drilled and tapped into the sides, and a house water heater drip tray installed under it to catch any drips and divert them to a bucket outside the coop area so the coop stays nice and dry... Different height nipples and even steps on the side for the mixed flock... In the picture the roo up front is a bantam, the Buff is a standard, and the guinea is only a few months old as a size reference, my peafowl use the higher nipples as do some of bigger standards...

Did you actually use a NPT tap to cut threads into the barrel?

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