Dizzy Chick.. stressed?


9 Years
May 12, 2013
Bonaire, Georgia
HELP!! Ok I just picked up my babies about an hour ago, 4 of them seem happy perky and healthy but I have one (the red one on the bottom right) that seems dizzy, she keeps falling over on her back and has trouble getting up, she can't really walk either, I have tried to feed her GroGel but she doesn't seem interested. She just chirps and sits off by herself, of course they others are picking on her =( Is there anything I can do or just wait it out?

Here they are!

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Before I could get this posted she started laying down on her side and seems to be breathing slowly but hard.

I am worried she's not ok... do chickens lay like this...

Helllo. Im not an expert or anything, but can you update how the chick is doing? When i was younger, i had pet chickens and the chicks who i knew taht were not going to make it would always flop to their sides.
No they don't this chick is probably dying. Get it away from the others. in a separate brooder. if these are shipped chicks, this could be travel stress. especially if you don't see any other signs of obvious illness. Try to give it a bit of sugar water to keep it going. You could run to Tractor Supply and pick up a bottle of Poultry Nutri-Drench. 7-10.. a bottle. very concentrated. a little goes a long way. Give one single drop per chick by mouth at first. Then 2cc per gallon in their water.
It is excellent for travel stress which can appear days after the chicks arrive. It doesn't need to be digested but mainlines directly into the bloodstream 50% uptake in 15 minutes. Has what the chick needs to revive without digesting. Also excellent to use in chicks water for the 1st several weeks of life. 2cc per gallon. See this post for how's and whys.
You don't have much time, for this chick.

Waterford English Light Sussex,
I had a chick that hatched a day premature and had to finish absorbing his yolk. Afterward, he would not eat, just sat or lay down and would not move. Since these are bought chicks, you should check for poopy butt and clear the vent with a soft cloth and water. If the vent is blocked, chicks will sicken and die. If the chick isn't eating, try this - mix some chick starter with yogurt and make a soft mash, encourage your chick to eat by dipping the beak. I had to put it in his beak to get him to eat. Add a mixture of molasses and apple cider vinegar to the water supply - I mix equal amounts of both and put one teaspoon into a gallon of water. It gives them a nutritional boost and the yogurt gives them bacterium they need to properly digest food. Normally they get this from eating their mothers droppings. I've done this since hatching 23 chicks and never had a sick chick. Once my preemie started getting yogurt mash on a regular basis, he recovered completely.

Keep updating on this chicks progress.

I am new to chickens but experienced in animals/wildlife. I believe she is going on to chickie heaven. Its ok, just love the others. Sometimes they just are not strong enough and simply slip away peacefully.
Yes these are shipped chicks (shipped yesterday)

She's back up and seems to be eating the starter feed. She is not interested in the mash with the GroGel at all. She is drinking and chirping, but she still seems to fall over when she hops around. But isn't laying on her side breathing weird anymore. I am still worried she's not going to be ok, I don't really have an opportunity to run to Tractor Supply today =/ I checked my local feed store for the Nutri-Dench they didn't have any =(

I am just going to keep a close eye on her and hope she pulls through.

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