do banties ever stop crying? a.k.a. what NOT to do when raising chicks

If anyone with constantly crying banties ever searches this thread, I have to update with what I think *might* have been the problem-
The special crumbled food we bought was still TOO BIG for the little guys! My daughter had been grinding it up even more and they'd eat what they could, but it wasn't until watching them tonite that I realized the bulk of the food couldn't be eaten! Man, how terrifying. I ended up getting some of it wet and mooshing it into sand and then drying it and giving it to them, they've been eating for over an hour now and it's the first time I've had happy cheeping coming from that box. Dang, I am sooo glad they didn't starve out. Yikes.
Wow, I've never raised bantams, but great advice - thanks for sharing. Enjoy your brood.

Not sure how the Morganton got in the conversation, but thought I might ad, that's where I live now. My babies are coming Mon or Tues. 1st time mom, sounds like I have a lot to expect. ha-ha

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