Do bantum barred rocks have feathered legs??


12 Years
Jan 3, 2008
Newnan, Georgia
I did a swap on here and I was supposed to get batumn show barred rocks. Well they have hatched and they look just like my black silkies. THey are solid black, black skin and feathered legs . So Is that what a barred rock looks like or do I have silkies ?? I would post pics but htey are still in the hatcher drying off.
That is not what bantam BRs look like. Count the toes. They might not be silkies either. BRs have white headspots, clean yellow legs with black wash, and white butts.
I went back thru the swap post and I got these from Aussie Sharon, I have sent her a pm to see what I could have . The post said pure bantum barred rock or pure bantum leghorn and had a pic of a beautiful white leghorn on the post. No white chicken so I am sure she will help me to identify these cuties.

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