Do Black Vultures take Chickens? HELP!

you are entirely correct chikenwing, buzzards will kill new-born calves, if their mother isn't there to get them off it. i've had a good many buzzards flying above the house last fall, [ during deer season, i live in rural MS] but they never offered to bother my chickens in the yard. i have wondered this same thing myself,, hope for a knowledgeable reply to this.
A guy who raises cattle told me they will literally eat the eyes and tongue of a newborn calf as its being born. They have to keep very vigilant during birthing season.
I would need proof of seeing them swoop down and kill a chicken.
They peck defenseless animals to death, hence the newborn calves and ewes, even the mothers who are giving birth are defenseless to them.

I have lived in the country for 30 years. Of course black vultures seem to be a new breed and I have only recently heard of them. They are all over the news here where I live about killing newborn cattle.
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I am so frustrated with whatever it is. It always seems to come in the middle of the day. Any ideas on what predator would come during the day? I put up a trail cam by the coop, but nothing on there. The chickens stay pretty close to my house during the day, and my dogs never growl or bark like they hear or smell anything. Could it be a hawk? Whatever it is, I really want it dead!
If it's a raptor you'll just have to wish it dead, as they are protected by federal law. Best option if it is, is to lock up the birds until it moves on.
Only made it through page one, but BLACK vultures will take live prey. They go after calves and small dogs here, so a chicken is NO problem.

Vultures do not have talons to grip and swoop down and take a bird, so how are they going to pick one up with their feet? They peck. Of course I guess they could stand on their prey and hold them down. It's not out of the realm of possibilities. My 6lb yorkie it couldn't catch though.
Vultures do not have talons to grip and swoop down and take a bird, so how are they going to pick one up with their feet? They peck. Of course I guess they could stand on their prey and hold them down. It's not out of the realm of possibilities. My 6lb yorkie it couldn't catch though.
The kill and rip until its small enough to carry Off in their beak. Do not confuse the road kill eating turkey vulture with the black vulure. Black vulurres will attack and rip apart calves as they're being born . They prey all year going after large and small animals.

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