Do chickens blush or have their face turn red?


Jun 23, 2021
New Hampshire
I have an 8 week old bantam cochin that is ok, eating and drinking, running around and playing with the other bantams. But when I get close to her, her face turns RED. At first I thought she had a rash or something. No mites or lice. The others don’t have this?
If I look at her farther away, her face is pale (as normal) but once I get close it turns RED.
First photo she was good, then second photo (was a second later) she turned red?!
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I have an 8 week old bantam cochin that is ok, eating and drinking, running around and playing with the other bantams. But when I get close to her, her face turns RED. At first I thought she had a rash or something. No mites or lice. The others don’t have this?
If I look at her farther away, her face is pale (as normal) but once I get close it turns RED.
First photo she was good, then second photo (was a second later) she turned red?!
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Chickens don’t blush. Her face is turning red because your nearby, my chickens do it too. They just get a little bit stressed when huge people like us come near. Pale combs mean they’re calm.
Chickens don’t blush. Her face is turning red because your nearby, my chickens do it too. They just get a little bit stressed when huge people like us come near. Pale combs mean they’re calm.
I find it so strange. She eats out of my hands and hangs out with me when the others are near, but at night during lock up her face just turns red when I check on her.
Very interesting.
Thank you! I’ll try not to stress her out to much but might be impossible with this little hand chicken 😅
I find it so strange. She eats out of my hands and hangs out with me when the others are near, but at night during lock up her face just turns red when I check on her.
Very interesting.
Thank you! I’ll try not to stress her out to much but might be impossible with this little hand chicken 😅
Well, at night she can only see you a little bit- that’s probably why she gets a little tense. Nothing to worry about. My chickens do it too. :)
I have an 8 week old bantam cochin that is ok, eating and drinking, running around and playing with the other bantams. But when I get close to her, her face turns RED. At first I thought she had a rash or something. No mites or lice. The others don’t have this?
If I look at her farther away, her face is pale (as normal) but once I get close it turns RED.
First photo she was good, then second photo (was a second later) she turned red?!
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It's because you get her blood running so you probably stress her out or she isnt used to you as much yet my stop once they new my existence was normal and routine
It's because you get her blood running so you probably stress her out or she isnt used to you as much yet my stop once they new my existence was normal and routine
It only happens at night normally. I’ve had them since hatch, and she eats out of my hand and follows me around during the day. I hope she is use to me by now, being 8 weeks later. They have been in their coop for a few weeks now so lock up is nothing new. It could just be it is dark out and I surprised her? Out of the 4 bantam Cochins, she is the skiddish one..
Idk.. whatever the case, as long as she is healthy then I’m okay with a little red face every now and then.
Thank you!
It only happens at night normally. I’ve had them since hatch, and she eats out of my hand and follows me around during the day. I hope she is use to me by now, being 8 weeks later. They have been in their coop for a few weeks now so lock up is nothing new. It could just be it is dark out and I surprised her? Out of the 4 bantam Cochins, she is the skiddish one..
Idk.. whatever the case, as long as she is healthy then I’m okay with a little red face every now and then.
Thank you!
It could be because I have a extra skittish one and if I startle her she goes crazy till I say it's ok pretty bird it's just me. (Pretty bird is her name lol) probably just startled her but she is in good health if that's all that's wrong
It could be because I have a extra skittish one and if I startle her she goes crazy till I say it's ok pretty bird it's just me. (Pretty bird is her name lol) probably just startled her but she is in good health if that's all that's wrong
Absolutely. She has turned red the past 4 nights. Everything is fine when I go in to count them and check to make sure everyone is okay. But when I go to check her and grab a photo (without flash) she tweets and turns red.
I’m glad others have the same thing, phew!
It was like a disappearing act with the redness. She is pale (normal) then in the matter of seconds she goes red. And of course I did the whole “chicken MD thing” which doesn’t exist and it said mites/lice, but I checked for that too and didn’t see anything.

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