Do Chickens care if multiple nests are divided?

Thanks to predators and downsizing, I'm down to 3 breeds I just lost a great Ancona hen, Jaerhon hen and a White Minorca hen to raccoons.
I decided that I only had room to do one breed justice. So for the last 3 years, the only roosters I've had are Black Penedesencas and all the hens except for a Jaer and an Ameraucana are Penedesencas.
Growing up we had only leghorns for eggs, Cornish for meat and a few pheasant but we always had about 100 layers.
I've had as many as 24 breeds at one time.
In my middle years, I had none
When I retired, I worked with Scarlet and Great Green Macaws in Costa Rica. Everyone there had chickens and nobody needed an alarm clock due to roosters. I quickly grew to like that lifestyle. When I got home, I wanted to learn a lot more about chickens than I already did so I started branching out to other breeds.

That is very interesting. I have been the only one in my family that really "enjoys" raising chickens. That must have been nice to grow up with them though. Slowly, I am winning my family over with my "girls"
I have 7 POL girls, with my 2 Wellies being the only ones too young to lay.
My Australorp is sick in quaratine as well.

It's winter here too, so that doesn't help things.
Awesome. Thats funny its Summer here and I live in Texas where we have had 100+ degree weather the past few weeks!

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