Do chickens get lonely?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 10, 2008
We had 6 hens, but after 2 raccoon incidents had only one left. She was alone for 4 months or so, and for the last 2 has been eating eggs off and on. We put out our 6 new 8 week old chicks with her recently. Not only did she not terrorize them, they are all sleeping in a bunch with her (she does mutter at them when they peep incessantly) and she has stopped eating her eggs! Could it be that she was just suffering from lonliness?
Chickens do become very lonely without feathered friends. They really should not be alone without friends. 4 months is a really long time

I read that they do get lonely and need to be with other chickens. They are less fearful when they are in a pack so if they are alone they feel lonely & vulnerable. Glad she is doing so well with her new peeps, she is probably very happy to have friends again

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