Do chickens have mating seasons!?!?!?!?!?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 31, 2009
Jacksonville Fl.
My roo, Rocky, is well old enough to start fertilizing my hens. He has been for the past 2 months, but suddenly he stopped! can anybody find out if they do have mating seasons? if it helps, they are golden-laced sebright bantams.
I don't know if they do have seasons or not, but my roo was especially active when spring first arrived and now he's hardly mating at all because everybody's molting.
Chickens don't have mating seasons, but I have heard that Sebrights (especially the good Exhibition type ones) will only lay at certain times of the year (such as May-July etc. mainly summer months). I don't know if it applies to the rooster's mating behavior. I haven't seen my roosters mate a whole lot either, but that doesn't mean they aren't doing it. He may just be sneaky with his duty
Interesting. Our pullets/hens are 21-22 weeks old. We had a few eggs back the week before Labor Day and now nothing. Our roo, Whitey (a beautiful sweet guy) WAS mating up to that point and several girls would squat and let me pet them. Now we have lots of feathers in the coop and no eggs. Whitey watches out for the girls but shows no sign of wanting to mate


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