Do Chicks Hatch ON Day 21 or after?

Mine have hatched when they feel like it.

My last hatch... the first one popped out on what some people consider day 19, others consider day 20. Life is so confusing

I think I'm just going to stop turning when I feel like it. The chicks can't be bothered to stick to a schedule, so why should i?
I've read and always gone by if you set them after Noon then the next day is day 1. I've never had them hatch on time though.. maybe day 20, 21, and 22. Lately its been day 19, and 20. (temps fluxuated on the higher end.)
Hi I'm on day 25 with my eggs, they are all alive but no sound, piping it movement. On day 21 I opened up an egg and discovered a live chick inside but it's body had not absorbed the yolk it looked like a day 18 chick, so my question is should I continue to wait or open another egg? This is my first time incubating eggs and I'm completely confused as to what to do.

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