do dark yellow or orange yolks mean they are healthier.

I just cracked open some nice dark orange yolks yesterday to make quiche. I fed 13 hens a 5 lb. bag of Chaffhaye over a week, so about .39 of a pound for each hen over that period & they were darker than I have seen in awhile. The darkest I have ever seen was one January when I stuck my Christmas tree in the run & they actually ate the needles. They were really dark orange. No one ever told ne they would eat the tree!
I just cracked open some nice dark orange yolks yesterday to make quiche. I fed 13 hens a 5 lb. bag of Chaffhaye over a week, so about .39 of a pound for each hen over that period & they were darker than I have seen in awhile. The darkest I have ever seen was one January when I stuck my Christmas tree in the run & they actually ate the needles. They were really dark orange. No one ever told ne they would eat the tree!
I planted a pine tree in the run. Next thing you saw was a bunch of feather balls jumping and eating all the lower pine needles they could reach.
I'm not sure about feeding them pine needles. Will it affect the taste of the eggs? I don't free range my little flock due to the robust hawk population around here. They only get what ever bugs might stumble into the coop ad run, however I do feed them mealworms along with some corn before "bedtime." I had a bumper crop of butternut squash this past summer and I share it with them. Aside from watermelon, the squash is their favorite. They also get oatmeal & apples on really cold mornings. The yolks are a bright dark yellow and very tasty, so I think I'll stick with this plan. Love this thread.:love

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