Do/Did you track how many eggs you were getting?

Yep. I have a small lined notebook next to my kitchen scale. In it I write the date, who laid (or at least who I think laid, I can tell for most of them but I haven't truly figured out which of the SS girls lay the long skinny eggs and which one lays the more round eggs), and any interesting notes such as if the egg was laid from the roost or in the run or if it was cracked or had some other abnormality. I also record the weight of the egg. In the beginning, I just recorded the days that they laid. But since all but one or two have stopped laying for the molt I have also started recording days with "no eggs" in the book too. I only have 7 hens (and only 6 of them are any real good at laying), so it's not so hard. If I had too many more though I might just record the number of eggs and weights and breeds or color that were laid.
I made a spreadsheet on excel for my girls. Month and date and weight of each egg. I started it when my first gal laid Jan. 3, 2011. I have 9 POL and 3 that will be there hopefully in the next month. I have an EE who does not lay all the time, so it helps to see how far in-between she lays.
I just have a chart on the fridge titled Eggs-Who done it? Downn one side I have the date then across the top I have the four breeds listed and as I put the eggs in the fridge I just put a tally in the coloum for that breed. Simple and works for me.
Yes! I have four girls; Agnes (JG), Pearl (BO), Florrie (BLRW), & Sylvie (SLW). Agnes started on Oct. 14th, at 23 wks/5 days old, and laid 12 eggs in 15 days. Then Pearl joined the club and started on October 28th. Now, as of today, I have a total of 41 eggs in 34 days. The mystery in the mix here is that somewhere around Oct. 25th, somebody started laying freckled eggs! Don't know if it's normal for hens to throw an occasional curve ball, and mix things up a little, or, if some one else has joined the party. The last two girls to start are my Wyandottes, Florrie & Sylvie. Sylvie is a special-needs cross-beak girlie for whom I am not holding my breath. But Florrie, (!) Florrie is the biggest, fluffy-butt-est, prettiest girl of all. Maybe she's "the freckler." Who knows? Either way, 41 eggs in 34 days, from 2 or 3 hens suits me fine. I'm thankful for each and every one.

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tell your DH the old business saying "If you can measure it, you can manage it". IMO it is part of good flock mangement, to know who in the flock is naughty and who is nice. I also think that it is so Eggcellent when each of your hens lays a distinctive egg by color, size or other characteristic.

Especially with the new year coming up a little calendar would be a handy tool, you can write down daily who laid what. I also weigh eggs daily--- sometimes I think I skimped of feeding if the egg is smaller... gives a lot of information and you can see trends. I have put each of mine in as a different 'breed' as of late so that the bar and pie charts are color coded.

Someone here on BYC has a dynamite spreadsheet that they will share...maybe you could do a search. You can download from Eggzy all your YTD eggs....

Nope you aren't crazy at all. (It is way easier for us with small flocks to keep track of egg by chicken, I think for large flock owners it could get really burdensome. Just part of the fun of having your chickens is knowing how they are performing. (that way you can brag on them!!)
We use Steve's Chickentracker free software. I think it's still available here somewhere. Dh actually learned Excel using it. I added a few columns for our different breeds and he wanted totals.
Things we track: when they start, daily eggs, when they molt, set, food purchases. I added a tab for hatchings.
After a few months/years of chickenkeeping, it all sort of runs together. Writing it down helps you remember which hen really laid well and which needs to leave.

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