Do Dogs and Chickens EVER mix??

I have a Senior Citizen Shepherd/Collie cross. My mother has a manic, obsessive-complusive Jack Russell. Both dogs fear the lunge whip. For the first several months with chickens, the dogs weren't out off leash with the chickens. But, I figured that I'd be able to eventually trust my geezer with them, and never the Jack. After a while, I let the old man out loose while the chickens were out. I caught him stalking a chicken. He's pretty much deaf, but it didn't take more than a crack or two of the whip to get him off of his stalk. Now, the only time I see him alert to a chicken is if he sees them out in the woods. I don't think he recognizes them as chickens, just as something moving out in the woods. With his hearing deficiency, I can't just holler at him. I have to hoof it out there to get him. The Jack got harassed by the chickens while she was out on leash. For the most part, she seems to respect them. We'll let her out now while the chickens are out, but only under strict supervision. If the chickens get worked up and excited, it turns her on. She will back off with a crack of the lunge whip.
I have two dogs. An older (13 years) husky/pitbull/lab mix and a 4 year old labradoodle.

They both are AWESOME with the chickens. The older dog has been nose to nose many times and never had any issues, never was aggressive, nada. My younger dog is actually intimidated by the chickens. I've actually had a chicken go up and steal away a stick he was chewing on (she thought it was a treat) and he looked at me to get it back for him. I think you know your dogs better than anyone. Mine saw the chicks when they were babies but never had much access to them.

As to eating poop - one dog will eat it whenever she can, the labradoodle won't touch anything resembling poo. I have seen my girls eat cat poop (ew!) but I don't know about dog.
We have 2 dogs and 12 chickens. No problems so far with the chickens and dogs mixing in the yard. I do supervise because one of our dogs is rather exuberant. He tends to race around and my biggest fear is that he will run a chicken over. He doesn't chase the chickens, he just doesn't care that they are in his path and they don't really care for the "bullet" dog. Both dogs are, unfortunately, fond of chicken poop. I am having a hard time getting over that.
I have three Yorkies and they are hilarious with the chickens. Sometimes the dogs chase the chickens and sometimes the chickens chase the dogs. When I throw scratch out or put yogurt out for the chickens the dogs try to get it and they get pecked and the chickens eat, they they bark at the chickens and the chickens back up and the dogs eat, then the they get pecked and the chickens eat and it goes on and on like this. It is hilarious to watch.
I've read some posts saying never to leave your dog alone with chickens. Many with livestock guradian dogs would disagree! Mine are not technically livestock guardian breeds, but I would prefer to leave my two dogs with the chickens than leave the chickens completely unsupervised. My dogs protect the chickens from predators and never chase the chickens. I have even seen chickens go up to them and peck them and they seem to know that they have to put up with that. They have been among the chickens for 8 and 3 years with no problems after a careful introduction and about a year each of supervised interaction. This is definitely not possible with all dogs, it depends on their temperament and your ability to train them. My only problem is the chicken poo that the dogs eat!

One of my dogs is a cattle dog cross, and I think she has an innate sense to care for them; the other is a goofy dachsund cross rescue dog, who I selected because it was known that he did not chase cats, or birds when he walked in the park. I think he learned a bit from the cattle dog about what the rules of the house are, and I also think I lucked out. I've always thought that any of the livestock guardian breeds would be good with chickens but they bark like crazy, I also think a Bouvier would be great with them.
Some dogs do get along fine unsupervised with chickens and make good guardians. While I wouldn't trust my akita alone with them she has run off large dogs and raccoons that would have killed my chickens. However there are plenty of posts by people with livestock guardian breeds that have repeatedly killed their chickens. Which is why I said only leave them unsupervised if you are willing to take the risk of losing some chickens. You won't know how the dog is until you try it and the chickens are either fine or injured/stressed/dead. It also doesn't prove they are safe if they don't bother them one day. Weeks or months later they may decide to go after a chicken. Dogs are individuals and while certain breeds may be more likely to get along you can't gurantee it. You have to decide if it's worth the risk to try it or if the chickens mean too much to you and then you're better off with a good solid pen instead.
OMG! That is adorable, your dog is precious and so handsome!

My dog, who is 20 lb white ball of fluff will actually slow down and walk whenever he has to go past them, I think he doesn't want to scare them! Then there are the days where he tries to play with them, they want no part of it and he's gotten pecked on the nose a number os times!
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When my chooks were very young, the dog was their full time companion and protector. . . now that they are older and free ranging, he is always "inviting" them to play. They do not appreciate this. . . the older ones will confront him with that fact, while the younger ones tend to flee. .. which he interpruts as an invitation to chase. . . not a great thing, but basically, the chooks are not afraid of him, they will walk under him, peck at him if he is in their way, etc. My dog is a collie, a good bet for being a great companion for smaller critters and kids. . . .but every dog is an individual. .. .so, it just depends!

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