Do ducks get lonely?


Feb 25, 2018
I was interested in getting some chickens, and I kinda want a duck too. Would the duck get lonely by itself, or will the chickens be enough company.... Also can the duck eat what the chickens do or do they need a different diet?
I was interested in getting some chickens, and I kinda want a duck too. Would the duck get lonely by itself, or will the chickens be enough company.... Also can the duck eat what the chickens do or do they need a different diet?
I am new to this also but I believe the duck would get lonely if the only one. I would say get at least two minimum if you can.
We have both ducks and chickens and they all seem to be best friends if they grow together. The duck should have a buddy though, swim mates as you would say.
We feed them the same Non Medicated food as the chickens.
I would even rec 3 that way if one was to die[heaven forbid] the duckling wouldn't be alone again. Ducklings do better if they have their own kind to grow up with.

They can eat chick starter but need extra niacin so you'd have supplement with something like Brewers yeast or nutritional yeast chicken feed doesn't have the necessary niacin for water fowl.
Ducks and chickens can eat the same food, but you may have to switch the food you buy. I hope that makes sense. Ducks may not thrive on whatever you are currently feeding your chickens, but there is feed available that's good for both chickens and ducks and it will make your life easier if they all eat the same thing.

The duck may or may not get along with your chickens, especially if you have a drake, and would do best with at least one other duck (if you only have a few, two/3 drakes or two/3 hens would be better than one of each). My cat and my dog get along even though they are different species, but the two cats get along far better.
I use flock raiser. Can be used with chicks, grown ups, ducks, and chickens. You just have to supplement calcium for layers.

Now, a few days ago I'd say the duck would be perfectly happy with just chickens. Then I saw the cutest thing ever. I had an extra drake and I didn't feel like processing him, so I brought him to this retired guy who just likes to have some backyard poultry to look at. He had a single duck already (a female) in with chickens as companions. I put my duck down next to his duck to see how they would react. Immediately, they both started duck talking to each other so excitedly. They were running around each other and quacking/male duck sounding constantly. It was not aggressive at all. It was what I would call happy and excited. My duck is young and not sexually mature, so it wasn't that either. After they got acquainted for a minute, the female duck kept quacking at him and showing him where all the good weeds were. They did not leave each others side the whole time I was there. I really just about died from cuteness. So I will say two ducks will be happier than one, even if they have chicken companions.
I use flock raiser. Can be used with chicks, grown ups, ducks, and chickens. You just have to supplement calcium for layers.

Now, a few days ago I'd say the duck would be perfectly happy with just chickens. Then I saw the cutest thing ever. I had an extra drake and I didn't feel like processing him, so I brought him to this retired guy who just likes to have some backyard poultry to look at. He had a single duck already (a female) in with chickens as companions. I put my duck down next to his duck to see how they would react. Immediately, they both started duck talking to each other so excitedly. They were running around each other and quacking/male duck sounding constantly. It was not aggressive at all. It was what I would call happy and excited. My duck is young and not sexually mature, so it wasn't that either. After they got acquainted for a minute, the female duck kept quacking at him and showing him where all the good weeds were. They did not leave each others side the whole time I was there. I really just about died from cuteness. So I will say two ducks will be happier than one, even if they have chicken companions.

Awe. That is so sweet.
I would recommend getting at least two ducks. Ducks and chickens will get along, but they are different species. Also, ducks are very social animals so it he would probably like someone else like him around. :D
You can keep ducks and chickens together just fine, but it's best to keep them separate because bullying can be a problem and ducks need a little different diet. :rolleyes:

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