Do Ducks Moult the Same as Chickens?

Chickie Mamma

Farmer at Heart
11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Sherman, CT
Hello, I was just wondering if ducks moult the same way as chickens? I have noticed that my crested duck has been losing alot of feathers. At first I thought something may have grabbed a hold of her, but I notice that they seem to come out while she is cleaning herself. Diet issue? They have been eating the same all last summer and this winter. Just wondering?
Mine have stopped laying and breeding...My boy mallards have no green heads right now and no flight feathers either! My yard looking like a feather duster..6 birds makes alot of feathers!!! Guess I should rake the yard...
Thanks for the replys.. This is the first time I have seen this. The duck was born last May and has not molted yet so I guess I was not expecting it. She looks fine (minus some feathers), eating fine, and acting fine so I guess thats what it is. Its not that warm here either, still 30's at night and 40 - 50 during the day. I am going to need to rake the feathers up soon too..
Mine are last year babies too..So this is my first time with the major feather loss,Its is still pretty cold here too at nighte but they started molting weeks ago!

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