Do ducks need oyster shell like chickens?


Kiss My Grits...
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 19, 2008
Western MA
hi..i have my chickens and ducks on layer feed...i plan to get some oyster shell for the chickens in a little bit..(only one is laying right now..) but do i need to give my 2 ducks oyster shell also...or is the layer sufficient?..thanks
Well, I'll give you my opinion (I'm usually wrong), no, you do not. Where they go out in a pond snails, bugs, roots on plants are probably enough for their systems through sozzling.
Wait for a proffesional to answer.
With the use of Layena- I THINK, it has the calcium our hens need. So check out your layer pellets and see if they already have calcium in them.

Good luck!

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