Do ducks "stand guard"?


7 Years
Jun 11, 2016
Hello all,
We have had our ducks for 3 years, raising all from chicks. We have had the sad fortune of having 3 shot during hunting season by hunters who boated up to our ducks on the lake and shot them. After that, we pen them up in the back yard during hunting season. This year, after confining them to the pen, we lost two to what turned out to be an opossum. I was able to catch it inside the pen and dispatched it! Now the remaining 4 ducks stay in the pen, which I moved to a location right under the kitchen window. We have noticed that most of the time, 3 of the ducks will sleep on the surface of the pool we have for them, and the other, usually a hen, will stand outside the pen the whole night. Is it possible that this behavior is a sort of standing guard? I welcome input on this as I haven't been able to find anything on the web about this.
Bandit is always more aware of his surroundings than the Ducks. The exception is when I am with them . It’s like he is off duty. Yesterday he did not pay attention to a single engine airplane flying low.
This!! Do not get me started....
The Air Force/Army idk which, does flight training about once a week and whatever their course is...comes over our house. Anything from faster than the speed of light big comanche choppers...

Chickens run and hide like their lives depend on it...ducks freeze and stare at the sky...Geese run through the yard like maniacs flapping and honking...never fails!
This!! Do not get me started....
The Air Force/Army idk which, does flight training about once a week and whatever their course is...comes over our house. Anything from faster than the speed of light big comanche choppers...

Chickens run and hide like their lives depend on it...ducks freeze and stare at the sky...Geese run through the yard like maniacs flapping and honking...never fails!
My girls take turns, but if I'm out with them. They all have their little bills buried in the mud or splashing in the tank. Usually its beedee or sugarbaby I see on guard duty, though... speedy always seems aware when I'm around cause then she just goes off and does whatever - shes more secure in her knowledge that I have their backs, I think. lol

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