Hi all. This is my first time raising chicks and I'm fairly clueless when it comes to sexing them before they're fully grown, at which point their sex becomes more obvious. I've read some of the threads on sexing EEs and didn't find them all that helpful, so I'm hoping that those of you with more experience and knowledge can tell if there are any obvious signs as to whether these are pullets or not. These "girls" are a couple days shy of being 5 weeks old. The one with the black and orange coloring has been exhibiting some "guardian of the coop" behaviors, and today I noticed that her body and tail are bigger than the other two EEs. I wasn't concerned about the white/black/brown one possibly being a roo until I read that the neck feathers of the roos would be skinnier, which "hers" seem like they might be. What do you guys think?
A comparison of the tails of the two EEs in question.
A comparison of the tails of the two EEs in question.