Do fish sleep?

Cats Critters

Completely Indecisive
13 Years
Oct 15, 2007
Clarion County, PA
My Coop
My Coop
My little sister came in my room and watched me on here for a little bit and then turned around and started watching my goldfish, her Question to me was do fish sleep? I think no and she thinks yes who is right?
It's not really "sleep" but they do have to shutdown their brains for a rest. That's when they are not alert and get eaten so they hide them selves in a crack, sand, or weeds.
Thanks! I have had fish for years and had never thought about it before, I think he is "sleeping" right now he just kind of flouting there not moving much besides so small fin movements.
She is correct -- fish do indeed sleep. Parrot fish even go so far as to create a sleeping bag of sorts (a mucous-y layer that helps protect them from predators). every night before bed.

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