Do free range chickens need grit?

I dont.....mine free range, and have for over a year now...and I have never given them grit, I am sure there are plenty pieces of small gravels they can find in the dirt.
No, they'll find all the grit they need outside. They do need oyster shell, though, seems like some folks think it's just grit but they need the calcium for laying eggs.
Yes. Don't start giving them oyster shells till they start laying good. I normally wait a few months after they start laying to give them oysters shell. They don't need it as much when their young.

I respectfully disagree....

Oyster shells should be put out just a little before you expect them to lay. I put it out free choice, and they won't eat any unless they need it.

By waiting until after they begin laying, you may be letting them get to a calcium shortage which means they'll be grabbing calcium from their bones.

Not as big of an issue if they freerange as they get lots to build eggs with from insects....but especially if they are confined to a run, I suggest beginning to put oyster shells out at 18weeks.

Yeah, I give my chickens egg shells back and they like to eat them. Just make sure they dont look like eggs anymore just in case. I would think that you would need additional egg shell though because it's pretty thin compared to flakes of oyster shell.

I also don't give my birds grit and they free range all the time.
I was nervous about feeding egg shells from store bought eggs, as my gals aren't laying yet, because I didn't want to pass any disease (namely salmanella) to my flock. Is this a legitamate concern?
Yes, I would be careful. I think as long as you sterilize the store bought egg shells before feeding them, then it is fine.

All my girls get is egg shells and layer feed and I've never experienced calcium deficiency.

Mine also free range and I only offer grit in the winter when they spend more time indoors, and I always offer grit to chicks in the form of play sand.

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