Do Hens change appearance as they get older?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 30, 2011
My Hen Andale looks way different than she did only a week ago! I am concerned someone switched her? There are a lot of wild hens out in the yard...

Here's what I noticed right away..

Her comb was short and squawty, and now it's tall and defined!
Her feet and legs were white, and are now yellow!

I am in love with my Hen Andale, and even though this hen lets me hold her and seems domesticated, she seems different! There are other factors, there is now a rooster hanging around her cage...

also, she is now 7 months old.

OMG! I think I'm going crazy!
Yeah, I've had chickens change drastically in looks as they get older. I have an Ameraucana hen that I posted photos of today, she used to be all silver and how she also has red and and yellow feathers.
I suppose you know your situation best and whether or not it would be possible for her to have been switched, but I do know that some of my hens have changed in looks dramatically.

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