Do hens crow?


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Hello, I'm new to this all! I bought 5 chickens in mid April and they were about 4 to 5 weeks old. One of them is a rooster for sure (big crown, smaller bird, shiny feathers, long tail feathers, and crows) This morning i was letting them out and i heard two crowing at the same time! I looked and it was two totally different birds! They both are fat birds with small crowns, much smaller then the rooster. One of them does appear to have longer tail feathers but the crown is small. How can i be sure? Do hens crow? I don't mind one rooster for looks but i don't want to feed more than one since i get nothing in return! please help
I've had hens attempt to crow but it sounds more like a rooster thats being strangled
hens will also "sing" when they lay an egg and generally then all of the hens will join in. But no, I have never had a hen crow exactly like a rooster.
First off

A week ago I heard one of my hens crow. It was much softer than a rooster, but sounded like a rooster. At first I thought one of my neighbors, several doors away) had gotten a roo.

Imp- sometimes I crow too.
I once had an aracauna hen that crowed. It sounded like a rooster, only the sound cam from my funny little hen. I haven't had a hen crow since then. I wish one would, I hate my neighbors and wouldn't mind one more sound to be added to the mix.
( BTW, I live on a farm in the country, I could have 1,000 roosters legally if I wanted.)

So if you have a crowing hen, ship her to me.
I have a Giant Black Cochin. Her name is Peggy and she is spoiled! But she is the best chicken ever, she follows me everywhere and sleeps in my bed and doesnt make an acctident! Are all Giant Black Cochin so tame and friendly like my hen?
I've had hens attempt to crow but it sounds more like a rooster thats being strangled

LOL same here. Just the other day, one of my girls let out this screaming "crowing" that sounded like a funky rooster. But yes, she was definitely crowing!!!

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