do hens gobble?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 8, 2009
Duluth MN
I have 3 bbb poults that are 3 months old. 2 of them puff up and strut 1 does not. Also the same 2 that strut will gobble at a crow call. Am I correct in assuming that those two are male? They all look a like to me.

Thank you

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All my birds strut but only the toms seem to gobble. I guess thats what you have then. Also my toms gobble at random things, crows, laughter, thunder, whatever... which I find very funny.
you can sex them by their breast feathers, the hens will have buff laced tips, the toms will be solid black.
Hens can and do stut brefly from time to time, but only toms gobble.
The hen call is a meep meep meep sound or pops and clucks, but in all my years have never heard one gobble, so I'd say for sure you at least have 2 toms.

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