Do hens mount each other?!?!?!

Well - the chicken in question IS a hen. ;) I now have a rooster, (the adorable (er, handsome) Mr. Darcy.) And this behavior has stopped.
My RIR just did it to one of my Gold Star a couple of days ago and i was fearing that she might be a he
but thanks for all your help.
I don't have a rooster in my flock. Every so often one of the dominant older hens takes on like a rooster and will mount the hens and go through the motions. I have another hen that both lays eggs and crows all within the same season (a sebright).
Just caught my 13 month old Brahma hen mounting my 12 month old Wellsumer. Never saw it before. I yelled at her and told her she was a bad chicken. She has been molting in the last week or so, thought maybe she was feeling unloved cause it isn't pretty when they molt. Loved the (lesbihen) will have to use that one.
Just experienced this with my red sex links. The biggest one(i call her anti-social), was on Scruffy, they are about 1.5 years old, and had them about 8 months. I was shocked when I seen this behavior. We had lost a foghorn last year, had its head gone, with no sign of a break in of an animal. I suspected an inside job and thought I was going to see it in front of my eyes. Glad to see that this is just a sign of showing dominance. Had not seen before. Thanks for this post, and forum for a newbie!!
I'm glad I found this thread because I thought my hens were nuts too. I have a New Hampshire Red that has mounted my Buff Orpington multiple times exactly as a rooster would grabbing the back of her neck. And I'm 100% sure all four of my chickens are hens. The showing dominance aspects makes perfect sense and the Buff Orp is #3 in the pecking order. #2 is a Dominique that sometimes joins in this behavior. Funny how I know the exact pecking order of all my four hens!
I have 6 hens that are 13 months old. My top hen is a (Rotella) very sweet austrolorpe. She even gives hugs. She isn't a bully by any means but won't tolerate bad behavior in the others. I have a mean barred rock (Rose) that is always trying to take over top position and mean to the ones lower than her in the pecking order. She is also mean to people if given a chance. Recently I have observed Rotella mounting Rose. It's usually when I give treats and Rose starts her bullying to the others, then Rotella steps in and mounts her. I figured this was a dominance thing. I'm glad Rose isn't top chicken or she might end up being renamed Gumbo.

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