Do I Have a Roo?


12 Years
Jun 21, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
My Barnvelder chick is 5 weeks old. S/he is larger than my other 3 chicks (all different varieties), she has bigger feet (I read that was a thing), and her tail feathers are long (which I also read was more characteristic to male Barnvelders). S/he seems a little more aggressive and I've seen her/him mount my sweet Blue Australorp a couple of times, but only for a second. On the other hand, s/he is very skittish and is the most resistant to being handled. When I let everyone out of the cage (still inside my house) to run around the room, s/he usually stays in the cage. Is my Barnvelder a rooster? I'm including photos. IMG_7070.JPG IMG_7073.JPG IMG_7074.JPG IMG_7075.JPG IMG_7075.JPG IMG_7076.JPG
He looks unhealthy to me. Why is he inside at this age?

ETA: I thought he was older than 5 weeks. Still think he looks unhealthy
It's still too cold to put them outside. We've been having temps in the 30's. Plus, I want to vaccinate them against fowl pox and I've read that they have to be 8 weeks. Don't want to introduce them to my adult flock until they are vacinnated. Why do you think he looks unhealthy?
It's still too cold to put them outside. We've been having temps in the 30's. Plus, I want to vaccinate them against fowl pox and I've read that they have to be 8 weeks. Don't want to introduce them to my adult flock until they are vacinnated. Why do you think he looks unhealthy?
I see absolutely no issues with him looking unhealthy. Comb size and the colored patches developing on its wings are what make me think he's a cockerel :)
He looks unhealthy to me. Why is he inside at this age?

ETA: I thought he was older than 5 weeks. Still think he looks unhealthy
I thought his feathers looked unkempt (a sign of depression/illness is not preening themselves) and that his posture was off.

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