Do i have an OPPS?


10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
Southeast texas
I have 2 tuffed roman pair, i purchased them back jan 2009 from ideal poultry, i have hatched babies from them the last 2 years and they have always been yellow or yellow with some gray which have always grown up to be white as far as i know, now all of a sudden i get one like this and it is feathering out with dark feathers in the dark areas, so is this a common color for tuffed romans?

This photo was taken when they were like 10 days old, i need to take a new one as they are now 20 days old.

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I have white chinese
they never produced anything but white, i have no neighbors but do get waterfowl dropping in even canadian geese but my dogs keep them run off if they hear my birds making a ruckus so i don't think there would ever be a time for a mating.
Do romans come in this color, i think he is going to have splashes of white, i see a splash up on his neck and the older he gets the more uneven the white is on the belly and sides.
TY miss lydia,
I call it a he and he certainly is turning out interesting looking, his tail feathers look to be coming in black and White yet his body color is a moca color with white splashes on his belly and neck and white wing tips.

They learned real quick how to get to the pond and back and have turned themselves into my pets, Zaz don't usually make pets out of her birds but these three won me over

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TY miss lydia,
I call it a he and he certainly is turning out interesting looking, his tail feathers look to be coming in black and White yet his body color is a moca color with white splashes on his belly and neck and white wing tips.

They learned real quick how to get to the pond and back and have turned themselves into my pets, Zaz don't usually make pets out of her birds but these three won me over

They are beautiful and what a beautiful place to raise them..

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