Do I have to cull this chick?


5 Years
Feb 24, 2014
NW Ohio
I had an Easter Egger who pipped nicely, but failed to make further progress. I left the chick for over 12 hours before removing a bit of the outer shell in case the chick was just in some strange position. Nothing. After 18 hours, I removed a bit more and placed a moist paper towel to cover the inner layer and had to leave for most of the day. When I got home, the chick had hatched, but is contorted. The chick isn't able to stand. If the underside of the belly is on the floor, then the chick's throat is upward. The twist in the neck is severe. So severe that I think there's no way to fix this, especially since the chick can't stand. I haven't ever culled a chick, and I don't want to. However, this chick is severely contorted and I don't want it to suffer. Trying to get the chick to straighten its neck is futile. It will move the correct way, but as soon as you let go of the head, the chick goes back to this contorted position. Any thinking that this chick could come out uncontorted? It's the yellow chick seen here. If you can make the pic larger, you can see how her head is completely upside down here.

Look if u were suffering would u want someone to kill u?
Sorry but u should always give things a chance get some hay prop her head up in the right position shove a bit of crushed up pellets with raw egg white and warm water down its throat and hopefully it will gain a bit of strength

My baby chick was exactly like that and now she's a fully grown mother of three
I am new to chickens but I would agree to give it a bit of time. I would also try to feed it a little bits of mashed up moistened food and see how it goes. Hopefully, it will come around. Good luck!
Look if u were suffering would u want someone to kill u?
Sorry but u should always give things a chance get some hay prop her head up in the right position shove a bit of crushed up pellets with raw egg white and warm water down its throat and hopefully it will gain a bit of strength

My baby chick was exactly like that and now she's a fully grown mother of three

Yes, I most certainly would. I did try to feed the chick, and it wasn't able to eat. I dipped its beak in water, and it may have gotten some in. I'm afraid that shoving food down its throat would cause aspiration. The chick cannot stand. It pushes itself around on its side and/or back. Was your hen *that* bad? I'm trying to present a clear picture of the severity to get advice, and probably failing.
Yes, I most certainly would. I did try to feed the chick, and it wasn't able to eat. I dipped its beak in water, and it may have gotten some in. I'm afraid that shoving food down its throat would cause aspiration. The chick cannot stand. It pushes itself around on its side and/or back. Was your hen *that* bad? I'm trying to present a clear picture of the severity to get advice, and probably failing. 

Yes my chick was most likely worse she wouldn't open her eyes and it wouldn't even push itself around It was basically dead, I'm sorry if it seems like I'm attacking u I'm just worried for the chick, you need make up a paste of egg white, crushed pellets, hot water and many a bit of sugar for energy and u need to force it down its the best way for it to gain energy they chick obviously can't eat on its own you nead to help it just until it can lift its head, and I can see the level of severity just have a lil bit of hope there's always a chance
Maybe just liquified food using an eye dropper.... egg whites, sugar, small amount of crushed feed and water. However, if you feel like trying to keep it alive is the wrong choice than that is OK too. Unfortunately, only you can make that decision and I would have to say at this point there is no right or wrong answer. Good luck to you and your little chick.
Look if u were suffering would u want someone to kill u?

I was in a very serious car accident in 2005. I still feel the affects of it daily. While I'm in no way suicidal, I'd have to answer with a solid yes to this question.
I'm well versed in pain and discomfort, and wished every day for a long time that someone would put me down. I'm glad to have survived, but would have given my life in a literal heartbeat to end the pain.
That chick can't be comfortable.

That being said, it sounds like a super severe case of wry neck.
I haven't read through this whole thread, but I have it bookmarked. Several people have said it's helpful for this sort of thing.

Good luck!
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If you can get hold of nutridrops/drench, it will save the trouble of force feeding. You can carefully dribble it down the side of the chick's beak and it will naturally swallow it. It is very high energy, high nutrient but liquid so no need for is instant and long lasting energy.

I had a chick completely superglued into her shell and once I rescued her, her neck was in a complete s-bend and her legs were badly spraddled with one foot twisted in at the ankle. I made a splint from cardbaord for her foot, fashioned it inot a boot with micropore tape, made a brace for her legs (an ankle-to-ankle manacle) also with micropore and I massaged her neck half a dozen times a day just for 30 seconds or so, manipulating it into a 'normal' position, holding it there and releasing.

Her legs were fixed in 48 hours and her neck was straight and normal within about ten days. She can no longer be distinguished from her flock mates in any way.

You would be amazed how much a chick can recover, given the chance, so stick with your little one and see how it goes. I know it will seem like such a struggle for such a little thing but it really can be so worth it. I also cannot recommend the Nutridrops enough. I believe they were the saving grace in that period before my little lady could feed herself or reach the water.

Oh, by the way, I also found that she was able to successfully take water from a rabbit water bottle long before she could properly drink from a chicken waterer so it might be worth investing in one of those too....the 'upward' position of drinking was so much easier for her.....and she taught her sisters to use it too!!

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