Do I have to let go of my Shamo? :’(

Jun 7, 2022
Hey everyone. I am so conflicted at the moment and can’t find any advice on this topic anywhere else online, so I’m hoping someone here can help.
Although I thoroughly researched caring for chickens before getting them, I only recently learned I did not research my breeds enough because I was under the impression you could mix and match most breeds of chicken. I have a variety of frizzle Cochins, polish, showgirl, and Shamo. My Shamo, my little dinosaur, grew to be my favorite of the flock with the sweetest disposition towards me. However, after introducing a couple more chicks of the same age to the flock (about 8 weeks old), I realized how aggressive my Shamo tends to be. I researched this and didn’t realize how territorial they can be, and was planning on returning her to the breeder… but when I went to say goodbye, realized it would absolutely break my heart to let her go. I’m hoping they are just figuring out pecking order right now, and after some time, they will peacefully coexist. Does anyone know anything about Shamo? Am I putting my others at risk by keeping one around, or can this work? Any advice is so appreciated.


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Did you integrate the new birds properly? All breeds of chickens are aggressive to newbies if not integrated correctly.
Yes, to the best of my knowledge- I put the newbies in a dog crate in the coop (been about 2 weeks now) so they could see each other without doing damage. I’ve opened the crate twice now to observe their behavior, and the Shamo goes to attack mode… but maybe it’s because she’s head hen establishing dominance instead of a breed issue. I’m just worried about the aggression getting worse since apparently they’re known to be territorial. She does great with the babies I raised her with though.
Hmmm maybe give them a bit of time I have a a really aggressive hen and when I introduce new member it normally takes my 5-10 days of supervised introduction and ‘playtime’ before I feel like it safe for me to leave them alone and sort things out
How big is your coop and run, and the number of chicks? Do you have at least two feeders and waterers, in separate areas, and places where birds can be out of sight of each other? All that helps to have a more peaceful flock.
Consider isolating your Shamo for a week or so, and see it it helps, as the new chicks integrate with the others. I'd definitely do that if any injuries are happening. Otherwise, with safe areas set up, and no competition for food or water, things may settle down.
And do research breeds first!
You do have at least one cockerel (that frizzle Cochin); do you have more?
How big is your coop and run, and the number of chicks? Do you have at least two feeders and waterers, in separate areas, and places where birds can be out of sight of each other? All that helps to have a more peaceful flock.
Consider isolating your Shamo for a week or so, and see it it helps, as the new chicks integrate with the others. I'd definitely do that if any injuries are happening. Otherwise, with safe areas set up, and no competition for food or water, things may settle down.
And do research breeds first!
You do have at least one cockerel (that frizzle Cochin); do you have more?
Hey! We have a 6x8 coop and 6x8 run. 12 chickens so far but many are smaller breeds like the Cochin. The run will be extended to a 8x20 run when they get larger.
Ugh I know Mary… Lesson learned! I am never an impulsive buyer when it comes to critters, but when I went to the hatchery and I saw the beautiful dinosaur looking Shamo, I had to have one. I will never bring another chicken home without understanding the breed and temperament!
I believe my polish is a rooster as well but I’m not sure. I’ll have to ask someone in a couple of weeks when the Roo feathers come in, he’s not quite at 12 weeks yet. Little Cochin crows every day but no other crows from anyone yet.

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