Do I help it?

Actually.. that's not true.. sure there are occasions where there is something wrong with a chick such as a deformity.. but MANY times it's something as simple as a chick who made a large pip and waited too long to finish hatching.. then was unable to hatch simply because the membrane became too tough for it to break through.. over the years I have helped a lot of chicks hatch and i hardly ever lose a chick (I've been hatching out chicks all my life and I'm 51.. so I have had hundreds of hatches.. plus assisted friends and neighbors when their hatches have gone bad)
Sure an inexperienced person who has no clue what they are doing stands a good chance of losing the chick because of lack of knowledge.. however the vast majority of chicks CAN be saved if they are willing to follow instructions as to how to help the chicks hatch
As to whether a person should or should not assist a hatch.. that's entirely up to that person.. after all it's their eggs and their skill they have to contend with.. however I personally refuse to sit by and watch one of mine have problems hatching if the chick is simply too weak from struggling..

so to say that "most of the times it does not turn out well" is far from accurate

This just happened to me. I have never helped in the past but I did this time. They were pipped all the way around and the membrane stuck to them. Good luck
The hatchling I thought was gonna die is doing much better now.. he's not listless in the corner. Since I missed his hatch maybe it had just happened. No new pips since yesterday just waiting on two to get out of the egg!
Well I am new at this whole thing of hatching eggs. After reading this I am concerned because we did help a few of them, just the ones that were cracked. We new about the shrink wrap but it was actually stuck to the poor thing. All but one that we helped r doing great. The other one is laying on its back and when i called the vet they said 2 open it and pull off the placenta thing and separate him from the others so they dont sufficate it. Even though I did all that he is on his back again. Seems 2 have alot of fight in him but almost seems like he can flip over. I am leaving him because I dont want 2 open it again. I also have an egg that should have hatched already and it is not moving or trying 2 get out. Not sure what 2 do.....any advice?
I didnt realize they could shrink wrap if there was no crack in the shell for air 2 get in. This is so stressful.

How long did you wait before helping? The other egg probably won't hatch. What day are you on? When I helped mine it had been 24 hours and they were almost completely zipped. I won't have helped but after that long and they were still trying I had to. The second baby was really stuck to the membrane and I never opened the bator until day 18. Good luck,Michele
I have not helped yet... the white egg with the pencil eraser sized hole is still moving I can see it I think we will help but not until the only other one that has half unzipped hatches out. The hole egg has been like this for just over 24 hrs now. It's no longer visible on my live stream video feed because I focused on the egg that appears it will hatch soon. I have lots of non animal friends watching our hatchings in amazement.

Oh and we are on day 21 today... three are hatched and doing good, one is the hole egg , one is half unzipped and 7 have done nothing. This is our first hatch and from shipped eggs so I'm feeling good about our success so far.
We are going on 24 hours as well. the other 2 are good but this last one seems 2 be stuck on its back and when I flipped him 2 times he is back on his back. I had to open the incu in order to help them but we have eggs that are on day 24 for one of them and it was moving before but not now. The one on its back certainly has a lot of fight in him but almost looks like it has a little bubble on the side of its neck. Big fat belly and all but it cant get up. Not sure what 2 do...
We are going on 24 hours as well. the other 2 are good but this last one seems 2 be stuck on its back and when I flipped him 2 times he is back on his back. I had to open the incu in order to help them but we have eggs that are on day 24 for one of them and it was moving before but not now. The one on its back certainly has a lot of fight in him but almost looks like it has a little bubble on the side of its neck. Big fat belly and all but it cant get up. Not sure what 2 do...

I knew I once saw a thread about a bubble on a chick and I found it.

See if it is like the one on yours.

Edited to add: It is a peafowl chick but figure they can't be much different form a chicken chick.
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Thank you... I think the camera froze over nite though. :eek:( I woke up to it being down and stuck on the image of the chick hatching. We had two hatch last nite the brown one that was mentioned here and another brown one. I have one more about to hatch this AM and the one still stuck in it's shell chirping away. I think we may attempt to help it today I'll search the forum for threads on what to do, it's been like this for 24 hours now I don't want it to die without us trying. I know some will say that's nature but it's not nature to incubate eggs in your house for 21 days and watch them hatch.. at least not to me.

On a sad note I think the one chick may die the area around it's egg was all brown and it's laying listless in a corner, the other two chicks are off on the other side hanging out together.

The first time I helped it was nerve wracking but since it was my fault they were stuck I had to do it. Thereafter it became easier and easier. I had a lot of practice that first hatch when I had to remove the dying chick from the incubator. Out of nine chicks (including the one that didn't make it) only three hatched on their own. I had to help the rest as they were so stuck they were never going to hatch on their own and now the 8 that survived are all very healthy. If you have to help the chick hatch, just remember to take your time, go slowly, watch out for any veins that still have blood in them and stop if it starts to bleed. Some people apply light pressure to any bleeding spots. I've only had one bleed and that was only a tiny amount that stopped on it's own.

I am glad that the chick that wasn't doing very well is now better!
re: other post
for the people talking about chicks shrink wrapping, it honestly could happen in the amount of time it takes you to take the egg out of the bator and chip off some shell. Just because it shrink wrapped when you open the egg doesnt mean it was or wouldhave if you left it in the bator
I helped a very large chick once. Ended up having to cull him. I'll never help another chick. As I've read in several reference books about chickens - if they're not strong enough to make it out of the shell, they're not strong enough to survive life in the chicken yard.

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