Do I look like a boy to you?!?

Here's my two cents:

Its a Barred Rock Rooster.

At that age, the comb is too pronounced to be anything else but a roo. As for it being a Barred Rock, the beak is definitely yellow. According to Storey's Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds, p. 69 "Beak, shanks, and toes are yellow." Marans have horn beaks and slate legs. (p. 62)

I have a barred and plymouth rock roosters and their combs were like yours at an early age. Their shanks were yellow/slate turning to yellow as they got older.

I got him from my feed store...who btw are not very helpful at all!! but thats okay i'm learning here! He was suppose to be a she and some sort of bantam.

I have an adult barred rock roo, so my next question is will both my roos get along once this lil guy grows up? i dont want to have to part with him when hes older (i've become attached, he sits by me EVERYTIME i'm in the coop
) thanks so much to everyone who replied! I LOVE BYC!!
That's a boy with a single barring gene for some reason, either sex link or mixed to columbian rock. I get dark boys like that all the time from my delaware roo over my barred rock hens. That's an epic boy comb and thick legs.
It depends how many hens do you have? If you have a bigger flock with plenty of room yes. If you have 5 hens or even 10 hens for that matter i would say no. But you dont have to part with him either way, you could have him roam around the yard during the day and have a little dog crate at night :)
right now i have 3 grown and 2 younger hens and 3 the same age as he is, i have the 'babies' out in the big coop and they get locked up in their dog crate at night. they ALL get along right now. i cant really let him roam because 2 of my dogs think its fun to chase them! i'm sure i'll think of something he is just so dang cute!! saw him a bit ago and he ran up to me and sat down for me to pet him

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