Do I NEED a roo?

There's no reason to do that. Eggs only develop if they are either under a broody hen, or in an incubator. Collecting eggs daily is all it takes to prevent any embryo development.
All/ most of my eggs are fertile, all the time.
If I were you I would NOT have a rooster. My rooster turned very mean and DID NOT protect the hens. They were all killed and he just ran away and the creep survived. I would much rather have hens only! :cool:
The pros & cons to keeping a Rooster have already been stated pretty well. Personally, I enjoy the morning wake up calls!
Those crowing calls have another funtion! They are also WARNING the hens, (& me-) about out of the ordinary visitors. Stranger danger! Animals, people, cars, and etc... So far I've never lost any"birdie" to predation either from domestic stray dogs, cats, or wildlife on the ground. All aerial attacks have proven unsuccessful and fruitfless. Mainly, close to this time of year the Coyotes, Lynx, Red Tail Hawks and Eagles are everywhere. They're hunting for hungry babies to feed not to mention feeding themselves.
I live one mile away from Flint Hills Wildlife Refuge. Three roosters, 6 cats, and a loud baritone German Shepherd.
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