Do I need another nesting box?


8 Years
Oct 26, 2011
I've got four, 28 week old chickens. Two of them have started laying and for the most part, they lay in the nesting box. Occasionally I'll come out in the morning to find that one of them has laid an egg while roosting and that it has broken after landing on the bottom of the coop. I realize this is not abnormal, but am wondering if this is due more to "new egg layer" behavior, or if I need another nesting box. (I've got one roomy box for the 4 girls, two of which are not yet laying).
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I wouldn't. They would most likely not use it anyway. Roost laid eggs are likely a mistake and would happen anyway, as well.
Agreed. One is enough for four unless one or more go broody. For that reason I have multiple nests. One flock of 11 had 3 nests and they only used 2 but 3 went broody and the rest had nowhere to lay.
Thanks Judy, that helps. I'll be patient and wait it out in the hopes that they get better at the nest laying with practice.
Thanks ChickenCan - I plan to upgrade to a larger coop next year (and get two more girls) and will add a few more nesting boxes just in case of broodiness. I'm so grateful for everyone's help. This is my first post (and my first flock) and am SO pleased with all the help.
Interesting. I just got 3 laying hens and I wasn't sure how many nesting boxes I needed to have. When building my coop this weekend, I started with 4 boxes, but it's good to know that the hens will likely use the same box. I placed golf balls in them yesterday, just to show them where eggs can go. Hopefully they'll figure it out.
Glad to know that I have enough boxes to easily add more hens. Gotta build that run, first, though.
I have 20 some nesting boxes (converted old wooden garage shelving). My 20 girls use a total of 3 of the boxes! I have even seen 3 hens stuffed into the FAVORITE box together- reminds me of a clown car! And my blind hen will sometimes lay right on the floor right in the middle of the coop. Or I find them in my hosta... or by the door... or under the canoe... or in the burn pit. Had I known then what I did not know then-- I would not have put so much work into my elaborate nesting box set up!! I have no control, here.
I had to put in my two cents worth when I saw this topic! My gals (6 - four of whom are laying) ALL insist on using the same nesting box. They have four to choose from (total) making two in each "habitat" or coop. The 3 RIR's sleep in one and the 3 games sleep in the other one. But everyone seems to like just the one nesting box!

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