Do I need to worry about predators?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 14, 2008
I live in a suburb in Utah and have a 6 foot high privacy fence. Do I need to worry about anything getting at my chickens? I would like to let them run around my back yard during the day but I don't want to lose one. Thanks!
I live similarly in San Pablo, CA. My Roo and Chickie roam the yard when Im home, but I pen them when I leave. Id say,check your area for irresponsible neighbors who allow their dogs to get loose. Most of the casualties I am reading about the occur during the day are caused by dogs.
Thanks, but how would a dog get in my backyard? There are a couple of dogs that roam, but they've never been in my back yard before.
It wouldn't take a dog long to dig under the fence. I would let them free range when you know that you are going to be home until they go in to roost. Nothing is funnier than my husband, kids, and I chasing chickens and trying to throw them back into the coop because we decide we are going to go somewhere and the girls aren't ready to go to bed yet

I don't know what you can expect in your neighborhood, but it isn't uncommon to see racoon walking down the streets at night in our little town. I imagine if they can climb trees it wouldn't be to hard for them to hop a fence for a chicken dinner.
I just went to an Urban Chicken lecture put on by Wasatch Community Gardens and there was a very sad woman there who had just lost four hens in two days to raccoons in the 2100 South 700 East area. In suburban Utah predators include raccoons, weasels, dogs, cats, rats, coyotes, foxes, bobcats, raptors, snakes, opossums, skunks, and cougars. You REALLY need to take precautions. I make sure when I let mine free range in my yard I'm always nearby to keep an eye on them. I wouldn't ever leave the house with them out and would NEVER, EVER leave them outside at night.
Wow, thanks. When and where are the Wasatch Community Gardens? I'd love to go to some of their lectures!
I, too, live in suburbia and am most afraid of dogs (mainly the wolf hybrid kept by our next-door neighbor), raccoons, and neighborhood kids.

Our coop is a fowl Fort Knox.
Auntbee, check out their website:

They have lectures on different subjects free to the public once a month. I was teaching vacation bible school and had to miss the most recent one on eating locally but there's a great one coming up next month about planting for fall and winter harvest.

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