Do I quarantine for prolapse?


My good opinion once lost, is lost forever.
12 Years
Apr 7, 2011
South Carolina
I have a week old chick with a prolapsed vent. I pushed it back in with a q-tip coated in aloe vera and iodine last night and I've been putting aloe and iodine around her vent. I've heard that your supposed to quarantine that chick so that the others don't accidentally hurt her pecking at it if it comes out again. But, at the same time I've heard that excessive peeping can cause prolapse and she gets so upset when I seperate her. What do I do? Do I quarantine and risk her prolapsing again or do I leave her in and risk the others hurting her?
Also, I saw that I shouldn't let her eat in case her pooping is what caused the problem. Should I do that (in which case I'll have to seperate) and, if so, how long?
A week old chick should be with it’s flock, but watch to see they are not pecking it. Separate in the brooder with a screen or shoebox, only if they are pecking it. Keep it from drying out with cortisone cream, vaseline, etc. It should be eating and drinking. Dip it’s beak often. Add a little warm water to a small amount of chick crumbles in a tiny bowl for interest. Pasty butt or constipation can be a reason for straining and prolapse. Offering a few chips of chilled coconut oil cut into tiny piece can help with pasty butt.
A week old chick should be with it’s flock, but watch to see they are not pecking it. Separate in the brooder with a screen or shoebox, only if they are pecking it. Keep it from drying out with cortisone cream, vaseline, etc. It should be eating and drinking. Dip it’s beak often. Add a little warm water to a small amount of chick crumbles in a tiny bowl for interest. Pasty butt or constipation can be a reason for straining and prolapse. Offering a few chips of chilled coconut oil cut into tiny piece can help with pasty butt.
Would electrolyte water also be a good idea?
Good news is that since I pushed it in last night it has not come back out. I've watched her do a few poos and it's staying in. I had to force feed her the oil because she is so picky, but she is eating and drinking fine otherwise.
I just went through something like this with a 10 day old bantam chick although it wasn't fully prolapsed and was caused by excess pasty butt due to poor care in feed store. I had already been doing epsom salt soak and vaseline for this one and the other three chicks who weren't quite as bad. A member here suggested hydrocortisone cream and that brought down the swelling on her rear and what had been out was back in the chick by morning. After the hydrocortisone I put a lot of vaseline on it and shut off the lights in the room a little early so the chicks would go to sleep and not peck at the most hurt one. Things were a lot better by morning and now she and her 3 fellow chicks (who also had issues) are getting better every day. I hope your chick gets better.
Ugh. She just prolapsed again. Would epsom salt baths help?
Up to you, but you could dab a little on her vent, just don’t get her too chilled. Electrolytes are fine, but a couple of drops of Poultry NutriDrench can give a quicker boost. Have you taken any pictures of the prolapse? It should stay in or go back in when she stops being constipated. You may get more fluids into her with a mixture of water and chick crumbles.
I just went through something like this with a 10 day old bantam chick although it wasn't fully prolapsed and was caused by excess pasty butt due to poor care in feed store. I had already been doing epsom salt soak and vaseline for this one and the other three chicks who weren't quite as bad. A member here suggested hydrocortisone cream and that brought down the swelling on her rear and what had been out was back in the chick by morning. After the hydrocortisone I put a lot of vaseline on it and shut off the lights in the room a little early so the chicks would go to sleep and not peck at the most hurt one. Things were a lot better by morning and now she and her 3 fellow chicks (who also had issues) are getting better every day. I hope your chick gets better.
Last night I had treated it and then turned the light off to hopefully help, but like I said, she's still been doing it. I'll try doing it early tonight.
Up to you, but you could dab a little on her vent, just don’t get her too chilled. Electrolytes are fine, but a couple of drops of Poultry NutriDrench can give a quicker boost. Have you taken any pictures of the prolapse? It should stay in or go back in when she stops being constipated. You may get more fluids into her with a mixture of water and chick crumbles.
I can get pics of it next time she prolapses.

This morning her poos were very soft and she didn't prolapse, but since then they've all been the typical firmer poops and she prolapses every time. They aren't super firm, just those more solid poops are. She's eating and drinking fine, so I really don't know if constipation is the issue. :confused:

I'm extra paranoid because this is someone else's chick I'm raising, so this may be a stupid question, but what is the survival rate of this?

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