Do I really have to keep chicks in brooder for 6 weeks?

Getting there. The chickens are doable, the ducks are just a mess. I got the enclosure mostly up. Have to have gates made, put hardware cloth on, secure it. That should take me about 10 years.

Well they will provide you with a lot of motivation for sure!
We have freezing temps into may here so heat is a must. I have a portable dog pen I have made chixk proof and have straw on the floor and a heat lamp over one section they can use it if they need. I love this because of the portability. I can move it outside on warm days and they can root around finding bugs and seeds, but thsn I can bring them in at night.
We have freezing temps into may here so heat is a must. I have a portable dog pen I have made chixk proof and have straw on the floor and a heat lamp over one section. They can use it if they need.

We used containers and heat lamp in otherwise open sided enclosure. As long as they had heat lamp they were fine.
We used containers and heat lamp in otherwise open sided enclosure. As long as they had heat lamp they were fine.

We had a long plastic container and used two heat lamps in case one went out. We had that happen in the house so I was worried it would and I wouldn't know!
First set of chicks here but im planning to move my 3 weeks olds out TONIGHT. Coop is built and the crazy devils dont go anywhere near their baby pool (unless they want to eat) anyways. I'm in Texas so its already warm here. The little suckers are terrified of me anyways and turning into a noisy messy bunch in my spare room. Hoping outside chickies will bring back my warm fuzzy feelings :)
I keep mine under a heat lamp for about 4 weeks then take it away and they sleep inside with no heat for a week then at 5 weeks I kick them out to the coop with no heat. My nights were down in the 40s and they’re all doing fine :) there are 10 of them so I assume they huddle and keep each other warm! If it’s under 60 degrees I would recommend keeping them inside until they are mostly feathered out (around 5 weeks old) and then they should be fine to move out
First set of chicks here but im planning to move my 3 weeks olds out TONIGHT. Coop is built and the crazy devils dont go anywhere near their baby pool (unless they want to eat) anyways. I'm in Texas so its already warm here. The little suckers are terrified of me anyways and turning into a noisy messy bunch in my spare room. Hoping outside chickies will bring back my warm fuzzy feelings :)

I think it will!!! It's more fun for everyone when they aren't trapped inside making a mess! I think they get bored inside!
My Chicks will be 4 weeks old May 2nd. The scheduled low for that day and after will be 50 degrees. I was debating moving them to the coop on Friday May 4th in the morning. running a extention cord to the coop and continue to run my heat plate at the highest level. Also debating waiting till Friday May 11th and moving them when they are 5 weeks 2 days old. They are in my garage so there is not a problem with them staying at current location.

Hmmmm. What to do... What to do...
I’m new to this but I have 15 chicks that are around 2 weeks and a day old. I kept them inside in a brooder (Rubbermaid tub) with a heat lamp until yesterday. I now have them in a brooder with their heat lamp on the porch. It was around 51 degrees here last night in SC and they did perfectly! I hope to have them in their new coop by 4 weeks old.

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