Do my chicks need grit for treats?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
My 2-week-old chicks are eating starter feed from the local farm supply store and we were told that they don't need grit while eating this. However, I want to start giving them treats and I want to make sure they are able to digest it properly. So far, I have only given them boiled egg yolks crumbled up and yogurt, because I read that they would not require grit to digest these. Is it too soon to give them grit? I don't want to hurt their little tummies. And, if I do start giving them grit, are they old enough to be eating other treats?
I don't give treats when they are so young, To me it's like giving a newborn baby a candy bar. They will get more nutrition from feed than treats. We usually just offer chick feed in our hands and they think it is something special.

That said, I think if you are limiting the treats, they shouldn't need grit. The feed has some form of grit in it. Enjoy your babies, they grow so fast!
According to poultry experts (at least the ones that have held meetings in my area) anytime you feed poultry something other than a commercial feed they should have grit. Commercial feeds are so easy to digest its not needed but anything else is questionable, hence they provide "chick grit".
If Im out workin in the yard and I come across any crickets or worms Ill usually catch them to give to the chicks. I put the worms or whatever on a little tupperware lid with some sand in it so while they are eatin the "treats" they can get the grit they need too.
thank you for the replies! Dragonmorgan, how old were your chicks when you started to feed them crickets/worms?
Mine turned 1 week on sat. I figure hens take their chicks out to scratch around pretty young. I dont feed them to them every day. ive only done it twice and I only gave them a little bit. I also like to put them out in the yard when the weathers warm and they catch ants and eat grass and dirt and stuff. Its a good way for them to get grit and get to scratch around a little. Not to mention one of my brahams really likes to take little mini-dirt baths. (At least thats what I think shes doin)
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Have never fed grit to the chickens, but they have a gravelly yard of weeds to wander around in, so I suppose they pick up enough little stones or what-not themselves. But I've never found grit necessary when the chicks were indoors in the brooder for the start of their lives. Even though they'd eat all manners of leftovers, and odd things. :p

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