Do people have rooster flocks for quail?

Oob Child

May 13, 2023
I know that some people have rooster flocks for their chickens, but would it work with quail? I'm just curious.
I know that some people have rooster flocks for their chickens, but would it work with quail? I'm just curious.
Yes people keep bachelor pads but without they couldn’t be able to see or hear the females as it could lead to fights and you would probably have lots of crowing. And it can get bloody fast most people only do it when selling or processing
We're keeping a bachelor cage right now, and surprisingly they're all quite well-behaved despite being able to hear (though probably not see) the cage full of hens next to them. They were much louder and more rowdy when they were in different cages - one roo in with the hens, three in the teenage grow-out cage (with the younger hens), and one in solitary confinement. There was constant crowing despite most of the roos having access to hens, so it's kind of funny now.

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