Do people in southern states like pizza?

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Most of the Greeks restaurants around here are
seafood (fried), breakfasts and the "normal stuff".
Just wondering how a girl from the south could
go to the north and open a "southern cuisine"...
fried okra, fried chicken with gravy and biscuits, etc.

Do you think it could work?
I think it would do great! People around here love that kind of food too. We have a Cracker Barrel next town over, and they are always busy. Imagine how well a real family run place that serves homemade southern food would do. If the food tastes good they will come!
Busyblonde in post # 142 gave the best advice in this thread. Open the restaurant, let the food speak for itself, and subdue your attitude. If you are as good as you project, you will succeed.
Most of the Greeks restaurants around here are
seafood (fried), breakfasts and the "normal stuff".
Just wondering how a girl from the south could
go to the north and open a "southern cuisine"...
fried okra, fried chicken with gravy and biscuits, etc.

Do you think it could work?

Why would you want to go north?
, where else could you find snow, cold, and attitude?

Before we get in to any flaming, Sourland is Northern born and bred.
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Well Royd who is being insulting now? Having lived in New England all my life, I can say you are wrong about us not having grace and charm. Plenty of New Englanders have grace and charm. When it comes to grace and charm and you my dear, well I just will say what my Dad always said "people who live in glass housed should not throw stones," or "that's the pot calling the kettle black!"

Not meant in a mean way, just an observation...

and northerners love all kinds of food. What else do we have to do in the winter but ski and eat?
I do, but than I was raised in Illinois. One of the best, here in Austin isn't around anymore. Great Pizza! Lots of toppings and the people were always really friendly and cheerful. Than the police raided the place, and it turns out the place was a front for a cocaine ring. True story! Might explain why they were always so cheerful?

Which pizzeria was that? Have lived here since '91 and don't recall this place. I did know a guy who worked on the fancy upscale jazz bar (i think that's what it was built as) built by the RR tracks right by Peter Pan Putt-Putt. That place was going to be super fancy with exotic hardwood bars and materials from around the world. The carpenters worked around the clock and got partial pay in cocaine so they would work longer. Drug runners from out of country and the place got busted before it ever opened. He would tell me stories of guys passing out with their projects in hand, sleeping on the bar, next to a huge pile of coke. Place is just an eerie skeleton now, a place for hobos to crash.

Always told myself if that winning lotto ticket ever came in I would buy that place no matter the cost, just for the sweet stories to go along with it. That and its in super sweet prime spot after you block out the noise from the train running directly next to your house.
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