Do People Want Chicks In The Summer Time?

sunny & the 5 egg layers

8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
Do people want chicks in the summer time? I want to hatch some more eggs, and I was wondering if chicks sell well during the summer? When is the best time to sell chicks?
All I can tell you is I want chicks in the summer time, and I'm having a hard time finding what I want. I just placed an order w Cackle Hatchery, and lucky for me, they are shipping them today.:D
I don't know how many people want them but I wouldn't ever go any later than July because you want them to be old enough to be in the colder weather when it comes!
I"m getting mine in June I'm getting some Barnevelders.
Yes, the spring and early summer are the most popular times to buy baby chicks so it will still be nice out when you move them outside at about a month old. Good luck!

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