Do Production Reds act differently or is something wrong?


11 Years
Apr 26, 2008
Cypress, Texas
We bought four pullets before easter and they are now 10-11 weeks old. A barred Rock, Production red, and two Easter Eggers. They are all doing great but the PR seems to either have something wrong with it or its just lazy. It hasn't really ever kept it's feather 'well groomed', it looks kind of tacky I guess lol. And when it walks its head is a bit wobbly. You can't really notice it until you see it walking next to the other ones. It has always been the oddball of the group. Last night I went to check on them and see if I could get them to use the roost. they haven't used it yet so I put them all on it last night for the first time. Well...they all did great, except for the Production Red...She had a hard time balancing and fell off a few times. she couldn't even jump up to get on it. (its only about 2 1/2 feet up in the coop) Does it sound like something is wrong neurologically with her? She seems really 'slow' to me... Any ideas?
Although my PR is certainly the least smart of my three hens (a BR and a Leghorn), she is able to balance fine and her coordination is good. She just seems the least aware of what is going on (huh? treats? what? where? why is everyone running?) and can't remember how to get back into the coop EVERY NIGHT.
I'd say you do have something neurological going on there, or an inner-ear issue (although I have no idea if chickens also have the same type of system that most mamals do when it comes to their inner-ears providing balance mechanisms).
Yeah shes never really aware of whats going on. She does come to me to get treats but doesn't notice them as quickly as the others do. And if shes trying to get a treat out of my hand it takes her a while. Shes just our weird bird lol. I guess something happen to her when she was being shipped or maybe just poor genetics. I don't know...
no one else?
Mine aren't the smartest group either and some of them still don't know how to get on the roosts, if they get on the other side of the fence they can't seem to remember how to get back, eat more than the rest of my flock except the meaties and they are not pretty and well-groomed.

Of course, mine were hand-me-down chickens from a farmer that had debeaked them when they were chicks....I'm sure the lack of a sharp beak can mean less grooming skills when it comes to distributing oils and separating feathers. They also are the most docile for my roo and this means their back feathers get broken quite a bit.

Yours sounds like a neuro problem, though.
Since I have 9 PRs and have never had other breeds, I have nothing to compare to, but I have to say all my PRs seem to be as normal as I can imagine. The only thing unusual is they are all Good Americans who support our President. At least I think that's why they walk around saying, "Back Barack! Back Barack!" I guess that would make them smarter than some people, huh?
my red is kinda dumber than the other two too! the others are a black australorp & a barred plymouth rock. mine were also de-beaked as chicks, and the red's beak is the worst.

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