DO Salmon Favs Banties Roos Crow???? Post 8


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
well they are bantam Salmon Favorelles. I have two pair at 4 months. I havent really spent much time with them and they havent gotten their nicely colored feathers yet(the boys look like moth eaten critters). They seem to be skittish, but I really havent done too much with them. I was going to sell them, but I thought I would ask here what people have to say about them. Personality wise, because so far I dont see too much I like. Thanks
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I have some faverolles that are a little over 2 months old. They are large fowl, not bantams, so I don't know if that makes a difference. I must admit, my faverolles are my favorite chickies! They are so calm and sweet, yet inquisitive and intelligent. If I squat and hold out my arm, the three of them love to fly up and perch on it. I haven't spent any more time with them compared to my other chickens, yet they are much more tame and friendly.
My blue salmon Faverolle Roo is a nice boy but not too friendly nor as smart as his companion Chickie. He doesnt let me pet him like my Australorp (both bantams), Chickie, does. Chickie has a lot more personality, more human like than Roo, the Faverolle, but I figure it has to do with how they were raised from chicks. Roo was raised as a chicken, with a large group of sibs, but Chickie was all alone, starting at about one week when I found her abandoned, and spent all her time with me. I took her everywhere, even to work, so she got a lot of stimulation and human contact from the kids and faculty at school where I teach.
Note: I havent had a lot of experience with chickens so I have no real comparison, only these two to each other.
I have the standard size also. Mine were skittish at first but now that they have grown up some and are free ranging, they are much calmer around me.
They are absolute clowns and are much more entertaining to watch while out with the flock. They hold their wings out and put their heads down and run around then will suddenly stop and do a bunch of jumps and hops. It is hilarious! You can tell they are happy.

When I sit in the lounge chair outside they will come up with the rest of the flock and see what I may have. They do hate being picked up and held. But then so do some of the other breeds.
My Bantam Faverolles are the most entertaining of all. It seems they like to play and when allowed to free range, the do like the previous poster mentioned. They run, jump and give flying lessons to the Silkies. My SF rooster just passed away recently and he was hands down the best boy I have ever had. He let me do anything at all to him without a peek or cluck. I trimmed his spurs with a dremel tool and he did not budge. He was never rough on the girls and when various chicks managed to squeeze into his pen he would just walk around looking down at them as if to say " hey little one what ya doin over here" The girls are friendly love to have their muff scratched but don't like to be held. I can catch them with ease but they fuss. The girls also love to "take a flying leap" when I come out hoping they will get a treat the come running/flying just off the ground cackling and it sounds like kids laughing.

I am so sorry yours don't have much personality because mine entertain me constantly. I love having them around just for the gorgeous color pattern that is so different beteen the male and female. The fact that they are excellent layers even in winter and fun loving chickens is a bonus.
I agree with jimnjay! They are so sweet and curious birds!

They are bad about not holding themselves against the hen's pecking order, so they ended up LOW on the totem pole!
well this all sounds goood. I think I may reconsider keeping them. I am just not sure about their personality. I have had a very hectic summer and that could be a lot of it right there. After hearing what everyone has to say I will have to spend some time with them to enjoy their charecteristics.
I am considering keeping them, but I need to know about the roos crow first. Is it loud? Do they crow a lot? My other breeds have all started crowing but nothing from the SF. I had to get rid of my Buff Orp roo because his crow was too loud and he seemed to crow a lot. Thanks
can you post or email me a pic of these guys. I have a almost 5 month old roo and he looks nothing like i am expecting a salmon to look.

Mine is just starting to crow and it's a sick sounding crow right now. Not as loud as the big boys yet.
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