Do spotted eggs indicate something's wrong?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I get a few blue spotted eggs a week from my brahmas. Some have faint blue spots, hard to see. The egg I got this afternoon has darker blue spots all over it.
They have layer feed and oyster shell available at all times. Their treats menu consist of whatever I have handy; usually bread, fresh corn, figs, and today they found some pecans in the yard that I had apparently run over with the car. They also free-range all day.
The eggshells are very strong, hard to crack. I'm just wondering if the spots indicate a vitamin deficency or something?
Thanks Lynne. Speckled told me the same thing.
They're quite beautiful with the blue spots overlaying the brown.
I wouldn't worry about it, especially if your girls are young and just starting to lay. Some hens just lay spotted eggs all the time, and new layers often give unusual results, or strange things, like the super thick egg shells. My EE shells were sooo hard last spring, but now they are growing older, the shells are more normal in thickness, though the membranes can still be really thick. My blue egger occasionally lays eggs with a sand-like texture on the outside--very rarely--but the eggs are still tasty!

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