Do they ever sleep - Birds standing on roost chatting at all hours?


13 Years
Mar 15, 2011
Fort Worth, Tx
So - my girls go in to roost everynight at 9pm. By 9:30 its completly dark outside. A couple nights ago, i could not remember if I turned on the fan so I snuck out there with my tiny pen light and as soon as I opened my back door I could hear them chatting with each other down in the coop. They were all standing in the same spot they were in when they went in to roost. So, tonight I wanted to see if they would be asleep if I waited later. I went out tonight at 11:15pm, did not turn on any lights, just went out. I could hear them chatting again. When I got there, they were all standing in the roosts awake in the dark.

What the heck? Do they sleep? I spot lighted the roosts to see if I saw any buggies but I did not.

Is this normal?
my boogers will start talking if I go out, tonite I had to refresh the water later than I meant to and they were all in for the nite... but when they heard me they started chatting and the roos started cockadooing.
They're like kids at a slumber party... I'm going outside to hear what mine are saying.

"Oh, did you see that grasshopper I caught today?" "Can you believe our treat was overripe bananas AGAIN?!?"
I have an old camper that I am using as one of my chicken houses for my Ameracanas. I screened several windows and opened them so the birds can get some fresh air. I'm up at all hours of the night, and I usually go out on the porch a few times to check out things. Every time I turn on the front porch light my rooster starts crowing. I guess he thinks it is getting daylight.

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