Do Turkeys Play?


9 Years
Mar 31, 2010
I have 5 three month old BB toms that are living in an empty horse stall. The stall has a couple pieces of blue bailing twine hanging down that were holding horse water buckets. I've noticed the turkeys grabbing the strands of twine and pulling on them like they're the ribbons on a May Pole. They do it over and over again, with great gusto. Watching them got me to thinking. I know turkeys are stereotyped as being pretty dim bulbs, so maybe they're just mistaking the twine for food over and over again. But they sure do look like they might be doing this as a game. Has anyone ever noticed their turkeys playing, LOL?
I would almost swear my two play hide & go seek sometimes!
i would imagine the twine would be a food/boredom thing, but they do play, they will chase and fly and jump around each other like they are playing tag or something, or at least mine do, not all the time but usually after breakfast.
Whenever we empty a bag of shavings I twist it up longwise and tie it into a ball. They pick it up in their beaks and toss it and kick it all over the yard. It's hilarious to watch! And then my dominate Tom, Boris, will masturbate on it.
That usually means play time is over.
That is funny! We have turkeys that I swear are using a lounge chair as a see-saw. They jump up on one end and walk along it until it dumps them out. They do this almost nightly -- it looks like play to me!

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