Do we even have a breed identifiable?


In the Brooder
May 6, 2015
Hi! We have six delightful chickens. One a gift from our landlady, and the other five purchased from a neighbor. As I posted in the intro yesterday... one of our girls is brooding so we bought fertilized eggs from a neighby in the hopes of hatching some chicks! My kids took the photos while cleaning in the coop so let me know if we need better ones tomorrow. They are let out of the coop several hours most days. Great flock. Kids named them Whitey, Cinnamon, Caramel (our broody!), Rainbow, Goldy, and Trainer. We've had them for about a year and a half and everyone lays nicely and is good natured, thankfully.





Anyone? Got told one is a white Leghorn. Curious if my other girls have a breed or look mixed.
Hi! We have six delightful chickens. One a gift from our landlady, and the other five purchased from a neighbor. As I posted in the intro yesterday... one of our girls is brooding so we bought fertilized eggs from a neighby in the hopes of hatching some chicks! My kids took the photos while cleaning in the coop so let me know if we need better ones tomorrow. They are let out of the coop several hours most days. Great flock. Kids named them Whitey, Cinnamon, Caramel (our broody!), Rainbow, Goldy, and Trainer. We've had them for about a year and a half and everyone lays nicely and is good natured, thankfully.

Welsummer? Could I see a better picture?
Better pictures please
They have very much a leghorn body type but the color is very uncommon in our leghorn stock. So they are little bit of a puzzle.

What country are you in? I'm wondering if they are a local breed in another country.. in that case, the majority of people on here are located in USA and generally very unfamiliar with foreign breeds. So most of us, including me would not be of much help... they could equally likely be a local breed, a mixed breed(maybe with leghorn blood, maybe another local breed with that body type), a cross bred for production similar to 'our' red and black sex links or..... Heck, they even *could* be a leghorn, bred to different color standard.
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