Do yo feed Your flock KITCHEn scraps...

I do. I usually feed leftover meat scraps, vegetable ends, egg shells, rice and dinner leftovers, and stuff like that. I have heard that is isn't good, and can dilute protein in the diet, but I feed a high protein feed and a good amount of the scraps have protein as well. I think it is much better to give it to them then throw it away. How about you?
Yeah of course instead of buying EXPENSIVE feed from the store you can feed your chickens more nutritional foods like scraps I usually have leftover cereal and other oats.......
Cereal grains and oats aren't good in large amounts, especially with not having a balanced diet
Funny, I'm actually typing out an article on this right now!

Yes, I feed my chickens scraps. They get just about anything we humans don't eat. Watermelon rinds, pumpkin guts, and old bread are some of their favorites. I especially try to give them a lot of leafy greens in the winter!
Same here. I stopped because I heard it was bad for there diet and can dilute protein, but I noticed no difference in there egg eating, and they only stopped eating eggs when I changed feeds.
Yeah of course instead of buying EXPENSIVE feed from the store you can feed your chickens more nutritional foods like scraps I usually have leftover cereal and other oats.......
I think as long as you have a balanced feed, and don't feed any scraps like bread or anyhgin suer filling like grain in. You are all good. I feed leftover oatmeal in small amounts as well. Juts the little bits we have form time to time.

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