Do you ALWAYS lock your coop at dusk?

Do you ALWAYS lock your coop EVERY NIGHT right at dusk?

  • Yes... Each night, every night!

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Sometimes, but not always.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No... I feel my run is secure.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • I never lock my coop!

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
I'm lucky enough that we don't have the normal predators where I live. Coyotes are probably the biggest threat, aside from flying predators. The flying predators have a hard time with our girls, anyway, because we're so heavily shaded where the girls run is.

Between the coop and the run, there is literally a little chicken tunnel of sorts (fabricated out of chicken wire) that takes them from their coop, through my side yard, to the main run area. It's kinda hard to describe, but this really makes it tough for even the dogs to feel comfortable exploring. They LOVE it!

In the end, we don't secure them totally unless there is a specific reason for it. The dogs stay on guard when they are out, and coyotes tend to really stay away from the houses here.
I always always lock the coop.
I use to have an open coop because I am in the city so I figured there aren't any big predators, I lost 6 to city cats before I could get a secure coop, now I have a Georgia Opossum (huge 30 lbs thing) lurking about so I padlock it also because I think that monster could open the door.
Absolutely. 2/3 of our property is surrounded by forest, and we have everything from coyotes, to raccoons, to skunks. We even had some mink at one time! Our coop has a padlock on it, but it is so hard to latch, I think the wood swelled or something. Anyways, we also have a hook and loop type closure on the top and bottome of the front door. My chickens also have 24/7 access to their 10' x 40' run. My husband calls it Fort Knox. It is completely enclosed- top bottom and all sides. I did this because I didn't want to have to worry about letting them out of a locked up coop, like if we were on vacation, or if I were sick and unbale to get out there right away. My chickens have to go through the little door to get into their coop, so I don't really leave the main door open anyway. But I do have to lock up the little door into the run.
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We have tons of trees on our property and because of that... and the fact that I am super paranoid of something getting our chickens, we lock our chicken house every night. Glad to see we aren't the only ones who do!

Take one vote away from locking the coop.. I never lock the coop as my run is secure... I do lock down the run each and every night though. (My run is electrified... Not even a bear is going in..

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