Do you Coupon?

The $127 bill was changed to....

$45 . . . I paid about 1/3 of the sale prices . . . .

. . . . SCORE . . . .
CVS is the only place to be ... on a weekly basis my daughter and sometimes myself will go in a CVS and walk at with $50 - $75 worth of product and if we pay $5 that was a bad trip. Most of the time it's about $3. So YES, we just don't coupon we extreme coupon :).

I've got a lot of bonus bucks to use up in the next couple of weeks. I really hope they put something on sale that I need. Maybe I could talk the local CVS into carrying Chicken Feed.... Then I could roll by Bonus Bucks over into buying feed for the birds
[COLOR=800080]Any one else there doing some Special Couponing this week? [/COLOR]

[COLOR=800080]Any body else finding deals out there?[/COLOR]

Wish I could but being as though it's just me, I find what I can. BUT, I would love to have in my storage room........

100 packs of toilet paper
50 bars of my favorite soap (Ivory)
25 bottles of my only and favorite facial cleanser/moisturizer (CeraVe)
50 bottles of my only and favorite deodorant (Almay)
50 bottles of my only and favorite detergent (All - Free and Clear detergent)

I re-use (wash and clean out) freezer/storage bags, so I don't buy those often. I use hand towels, so I don't waste money on paper towels.

I don't drink sodas, sugar filled juices, processed food, etc. I"m strictly veggies, fish and turkey. No canned foods at all. :/

That would do it for me. That's about all I use.
Wish I could but being as though it's just me, I find what I can. BUT, I would love to have in my storage room........

100 packs of toilet paper
50 bars of my favorite soap (Ivory)
25 bottles of my only and favorite facial cleanser/moisturizer (CeraVe)
50 bottles of my only and favorite deodorant (Almay)
50 bottles of my only and favorite detergent (All - Free and Clear detergent)

I re-use (wash and clean out) freezer/storage bags, so I don't buy those often. I use hand towels, so I don't waste money on paper towels.

I don't drink sodas, sugar filled juices, processed food, etc. I"m strictly veggies, fish and turkey. No canned foods at all.

That would do it for me. That's about all I use.
Hey Kuntrygirl,

I am trying your "Favorite" soap. I had some coupons for it and figured "what the heck?".

I don't use CeraVe or Almay. So, if you let me know when you see those coupons, I will gladly send you my extras. I HATE to see a good coupon go to waste LOL..

All Free and Clear is what my sister uses. So, I send my extras to her. I really don't have a preference. When I lived in South Florida, I only used the All Free and Clear because anything with dyes in it reacted with my well water and turned my clothes Blue or Red - Oh Yuck, that was super BAD!

The Mott Meledy Juice is Carrot juice mixed with other juices. It counts as 2 servings of fruits and veg. I THINK it is kinda healthy LOL... I figure the carrot juice would be good for carotenes. My children don't like carrots, so I am hoping then will like the juice. I haven't had a chance to see how much sugar is in it. We use to eat veggies, chicken, and fish mostly. However, as the full time care giver of an eldery Alzheimer parent, I am limited on my food preparation time. Some days are so crazy that I don't get to do anything more than warm up leftovers. Hopefully, one day we will get a chance to return to a healthier way of eating... I use to have more time to garden too. LOVE fresh vegetables....
Yes, the ECB's are what we call our monopoly money. We always try to get as many ECB's as we spend. Right now my daughter is working two cards (hers and mine) and on both cards she has over $50 in ECB's she keeps rolling.
Wish I could but being as though it's just me, I find what I can. BUT, I would love to have in my storage room........

100 packs of toilet paper

50 bars of my favorite soap (Ivory)

25 bottles of my only and favorite facial cleanser/moisturizer (CeraVe)

50 bottles of my only and favorite deodorant (Almay)

50 bottles of my only and favorite detergent (All - Free and Clear detergent)

I re-use (wash and clean out) freezer/storage bags, so I don't buy those often. I use hand towels, so I don't waste money on paper towels.

I don't drink sodas, sugar filled juices, processed food, etc. I"m strictly veggies, fish and turkey. No canned foods at all. :/

That would do it for me. That's about all I use.

[COLOR=800080]Hey Kuntrygirl,[/COLOR]

[COLOR=800080]I am trying your "Favorite" soap.  I had some coupons for it and figured "what the heck?".[/COLOR]

[COLOR=800080]I don't use CeraVe or Almay.  So,  if you let me know when you see those coupons,  I will gladly send you my extras.  I HATE to see a good coupon go to waste LOL..[/COLOR]

[COLOR=800080]All Free and Clear is what my sister uses.  So,  I send my extras to her.  I really don't have a preference.  When I lived in South Florida,  I only used the All Free and Clear because anything with dyes in it reacted with my well water and turned my clothes Blue or Red - Oh Yuck, that was super BAD! :barnie  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=800080]The Mott Meledy Juice is Carrot juice mixed with other juices.  It counts as 2 servings of fruits and veg.  I THINK it is kinda healthy LOL... I figure the carrot juice would be good for carotenes.  My children don't like carrots,  so I am hoping then will like the juice.  I haven't had a chance to see how much sugar is in it.   We use to eat veggies, chicken, and fish mostly.  However,  as the full time care giver of an eldery Alzheimer parent,  I am limited on my food preparation time.  Some days are so crazy that I don't get to do anything more than warm up leftovers.  Hopefully,  one day we will get a chance to return to a healthier way of eating...  I use to have more time to garden too.  LOVE fresh vegetables....[/COLOR]


I have to use everything that is free from dyes, perfumes, scents, blah blah blah because my skin is sensitive to all of that crap and I start itching with all of that other stuff. I'm a no smell/fragrance kinda gal. Sad but true. Perfumes make me sick. Standing near someone who has perfume on makes me wanna puke. :sick
Math ace tha tnis an excellent shopping trip. Congrsts! We dont have a Winn Dixie here...I wish we had some of the other grocery stores.

Rhoffart like I said CVS rocks! Its my favorite store. :0)

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