Do you enjoy making Jams, Jellies and Marmalade's?

If they use the fruit pulp, then it's jam. For jelly, you just use the juice and discard the pulp.

My apple jelly had the consistency of jelly. But I've also done jams with apples too.
I'll give it a try without pectin. Though last night I made and canned my own liquid pectin using granny smith apples! Can't wait to try it in jelly!
The Fruits of my Labor! Peach Jam with a touch of Apple. (fingers crossed it sets up or it will be deemed Peach conserve and poured over pancakes and icecream! LOL)

So far this year I have made plum preserves/jam and lavender jelly. This weekend I am doing blackberry jam and mint jelly.

I always get my fruit from local trees or wild, so all fruit is always free.

Before the end of the year I will also do Peach, Pear and Wild Grape jelly.
The Fruits of my Labor! Peach Jam with a touch of Apple. (fingers crossed it sets up or it will be deemed Peach conserve and poured over pancakes and icecream! LOL)

Nice looking peach jam! We're going peach picking tomorrow so I'll be jamming and jellying some the next few days. I also was given a bag of apples today that I'm going to try making pectin with. I actually have two trees full of apples to go pick at a friends house for free.
My daughter nagged me into going berry picking today.

Thank god there was a wind at 10am it was already 89 degree's!

We hung in there and managed to gather almost 2lb's of blackberries.

So of course I made Blackberry Jelly! OMG this recipe is just to DIE for it is so good, turns out beautiful every time.

I used a little bit of margarine (like a half a tablespoon) to keep the foam down. Worked a treat. I just may turn out to be a jam makin expert yet! LOL

Photo to follow in the morning once the sun is shining all pretty on the jars

The only thing I did different was just befor I was going to add the pectin, I strained the juice through a seive to get all the seeds out.
I then put the hot juice back in my pot and proceeded with this recipe. It turns out so lush!
I peeled 10 pound of peaches last night, and it took FOREVER! My mom swears my grandmother blanched peaches, like tomatoes, to loosen the skin. I couldn't find anything about it working on-line, but I gave it a shot anyway. I failed miserably! Anyone know an easier way to peel peaches?
I love to make jelly and jam!! I made a batch of strawberry jam and strawberry lemonade jelly (my first jelly)... this week I will be freezing peaches so I am going to make a batch of peach jelly. I love to give my jelly and jams as teacher gifts!

Our blackberries bushes are still small and the wild ones didn't fare well with the drought (and deer) no blackberry for us this year. My mom's fig tree is doing wonderful, I am hoping she still has some when we visit in 2 weeks. Hubby is craving fig preserves.

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